Once enrolled in the program, you will automatically earn ShroomCoins to your account for qualifying purchases after checkout. You can accrue coins to your account with qualified purchases and various actions.
Refer A Friend: Earn a $10 coupon code
Purchases: Earn 5 ShroomCoin per $1 Spent.
Birthday: Receive 500 ShroomCoin on your birthday. If your birthday is within the first 30 days after signing up please reach out directly to FreshCap to redeem your points. Retroactive points for birthdays prior to signing up are not eligible for rewards.
Write a Review: Earn up to 200 ShroomCoin per review
Follow Us On Instagram: Earn 50 ShroomCoin
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Share On Twitter: Earn 50 ShroomCoin
Follow Us On Facebook: Earn 50 ShroomCoin
Like On Facebook: Earn 50 ShroomCoin
No retroactive points while be given for any purchases prior to the program start.